When You Donate

*Of course You Want to Know exactly where your money is going*

Now, Through The Links Below You Can Give directly to a spicific program

 An Overview Of Our Non-Profit Programs are…

#1) Booking & Community Events Program.

What this program offers to artists;
Free promotional opportunities and online resources for artists.
live performance and  networking opportunities. The chance to play in front a bigger local audience including communities and festivals with paid jobs opportunities and more.

#2) Recording Assistance Program.

What this program offers to artists:
Provides help paying for recording cost of an original song.
Giving an artist that extra boost to get started in the music industry with free help and guidance for  promoting their new music on social media platforms. 

#3) Building Successful Artists Program.

What this program offers to artists:
Provides individuals with mentoring and business couching geared for startup artists and musicians intended to help them attain the free resources to grow in their particular art field. Free resources and classes including online and in person learning and sponsorship’s.

#4)Arts Education & Intern Program.

What this program offers to artists:
Provides monetary assistance for individuals struggling with schooling cost.
This funds raised goes directly towards students tuition cost for attending collage or class that fall within the field of the arts guidelines.  

Stephanie Seipel

Executive Director


Surprise, AZ